28-30 Nov.

from straight to curly

Belle Moody

A pop-up exhibition at WTS, this woodblock and print maps personal history and narrative onto the geography of home. It represents attempts to slow down and record memories that are lost from moving fast. It also comes from the urge to honour individuals and friendship within a continual search for meaning and home. All in all it is an effort to give weight to what can otherwise feel fleeting and meaningless.

The urge to honour and preserve memories of individuals and place remains at the core of all of Moody’s work. As Helen Garner says:

I don’t ever remember planning to write [a proposal for an art show]. There’s nothing like having studied [art theory] at university to make you despise your own timid attempts to [make art]… For years you turn on yourself the blowtorch of your tertiary critical training. You die of shame at the thought of showing anyone what you’ve [made]. Somebody somewhere says ‘the urge to preserve is the basis of all art.’ Unaware of this thought, you keep [making]. You do this not only because it gratifies your urges… but because without it you will lose your life: its detail will leak away into the sand and be gone forever
(The Art of the Dumb Question in True Stories, Helen Garner, 1996).


@ WTS. Free.

Open Participatory printing of the Woodblock
Sat 24 Nov @ The Loftys. All Welcome.
@ WTS. Free


As part of the 2018 WTS Program