In this dream, we thrive

In this dream, we thrive is nine days of utopian, eco-transfeminist, queer, anarchist, activist art by Slumberkitty. Appearing hopefully not merely as an artist, but as navigator of a lil boat sailing thru the storm that is the spectacle of cultural commodification under capitalism. Slumberkitty's works themselves begin as art objects, but their roots connect to uncomodifiable worlds, histories and ideas beyond. From sound and video art, maps of solarpunk towns, incendiary literature and zines, to queer collage and transfeminist provocations, her body of creative work is inseparable from her action, histories and community. Propaganda posters and diagrams of the centuries-old processes constructing structural oppression attempt to tear the gallery open as a space for critical, radical consciousness and reflection. The gallery is no shop, the studio is no workplace, for these days at least, these are spaces to experiment with something else. Even to glance upon just for a moment, she hopes there is something here that inspires you to imagine and act for the better world we all deserve.


Slumberkitty is a genderqueer interdisciplinary artist who performs dreamy and uplifting ambient noise, writes heaps of zines and makes plenty of trouble. She is a graduate of the now-dismantled RMIT Sound Art school and the ongoingly beautiful night classes of CDU's arts department. After facilitating many group shows, performances and art/music collectives, "In this dream, we thrive" will be her first, and perhaps only, "solo" exhibition.


5 — 14 July

during gallery opening hours, exhibition of works & creative space in the gallery.


Tuesday 5 July

facilitated by slumberkitty, hand-made sound instruments/objects.


Thursday 14 July

featuring sound performances & readings