My Arms Are Just Two Things In The Way Until They’re Wrapped Around You
Leonie Brialey

When does a pot begin and end? When you make the base and when you finish firing respectively? When the clay is in your hand or the earth or returned to the earth? When the pot is found in a burial site thousands of years in the future? When does a life begin and end? Nina Lykke says death is not a moment but a process. So Katharine keeps on dying so she keeps on living so she keeps on dying and grief is just love that has nowhere to go.

It goes into a pot, into a song.

There are as many pots and songs as there need to be and also never enough.

This pot isn’t finished and I’m not finished making all the pots I need to.

Katharine’s Jug, Tim’s Jug, Belle’s Jug, Luggs’ Jug and Oil lamp



Songs of Katharine’s:

Uluṟu / Platypus Freaks EP

Holding On and Mums Are Real/ Ostraaly, live at the Golden Wattle and Demos 2)

Salty Dog Tears/ Ostraaly, Misery Guests


Various sayings


3—11 August
(in the TAiR studio)