Watch This Space / Australia Council

Four Year Funding for Organisations 2021-2024




2019 Exhibition Program so far




In 2019, our Open Studio program expanded from our Travelling Artist in Residence (TAiR) program, to our regular public program as local studio artists began to contribute. The sessions allow artists to receive feedback and engage in critical discourse about their work without the pressure of presenting a polished exhibition.

Photography Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts




2019 performances, community fundraisers, workshops, artist talks and more




2019 Monoprinting Workshops
Each student got to create at least two original and two ghost prints made with professional quality materials, of which they could take either original or ghost print home. The remaining prints will be exhibited at the end of this month at The Loftys (our Annual Art Award & End of Year Celebration) and works sold to raise funds for future WTS projects.

Our aim is to continue presenting creative projects to schools - at no cost to students - though, rather than be driven and managed by WTS staff and volunteers, to instead contract artists and arts workers to run the program so it is viable and financially supportive of practicing artists.

Photography Mimi Catterns




Magic Hour @ Coles Carpark by Beth Sometimes with support from Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts and Harry Hayes, presented at Kickstart Arts Centre, Hobart, for HOBIENNALE 2017.


In late-Nov 2019, WTS will participate in the festival again, this time featuring Frankie Snowdon, Madeleine Krenek, Mimi Catterns & Zoya Godoroja-Prieckaerts as they undergo The Attempts - 10 hours of intensive collaboration, culminating in a presentation to the public (the outcome of which will be determined during the 10 hours…)