Textures of country
Stone Motherless Cold

This exhibition is inspired by the colours and textures of Arrernte Country, during Tre/Stones trip back home, in the season of Alhwerrpe-urle. Stone played with scale of plant peoples and human peoples, miniaturizing the audience as they entered the installation. To gain the perspective of ‘fairies’, looking at the sometimes subtle and more minuscule details around Apmere. In the realm of Blak futurism, they used natural, salvaged and recycled materials, looking at how sustainable art practices and fashion will look in the future, reminded of the Arrernte cyclical nature of ‘time’. 


Tre/Stone (re/they) is a drag artist, writer, producer and visual artist, based in Naarm/ so called melbourne. With drag as their main medium, this queer artform centres their other art practices, combining them to create multi-disciplinary projects. These projects are used to explore Blak futurism, gender and sexuality, their experiences with colonialism and living away from Country. Through investigation of these concepts with a combination of the practices, Stones works to expand on the many different and unique ways drag can be used in the arts industry and queer community, creating spaces and opportunities for Blak and/or queer excellence in their communities to shine.


15 – 25 June


Wednesday, 15 June