Travelling Artist in Residence
February: Dom Tang

Dom Tang: Grains In Space, 2021

Dom Tang is a cross-media artist who is primarily involved in video and sound work. With a background in architecture, her artistic practice adopts the digital tools from the built industry, turning everyday sites and structures into virtual environments Her work is a conceptual “translation of space”, that aims to impart a sense of spatial agency and care for the environment. In a previous collaborative VR artwork ‘Works on paper, Works on screen’, she uses the digital to explore the ontologies that underpin visual representations of the early colony in Naarm/ Melbourne.

‘This is where I am’ is a reinterpretation of the landscape art style using 3D scanning technology. This project consists of a series of short films and an accompanying set of acrylic paintings that express the artists’ exploration of the local Mparntwe environment. The work is created through 3D photogrammetry scanning - this is a process of creating a virtual environment from photography, a technique often used by surveyors, architects, engineers and contractors. 3D photogrammetry is dependent on momentary environmental conditions and the physical accessibility of the photographer, reflecting an intimate and emotive interpretation of the Mparntwe landscape.

Read Dom’s journal here.
Read about Dom’s work at WTS here.