Applications due
midnight, Monday 20th May
From 30th June WTS will have one studio space available for local artists
6 month lease
Size roughly 3 x 4 m
Artists will need to submit an application via email to
Artists must submit:
Document (max. 1 page) including:
Name and contact details: phone, email, address, website.
Details about artist’s work
How artist intends to use the studio, i.e: are they working on a specific project, exploring a concept, experimenting, using a particular media, etc.
Length of time artist wishes to lease space
Why artist is interested in Watch This Space
3-8 images of artist’s work
The WTS Curatorial Committee will assess applications based on the relevance of the artist’s practice to Watch This Space’s aims as a contemporary experimental art space:
To create opportunities for local artists’ work to be discovered and made visible through hosting contemporary art exhibitions.
To provide opportunities for local, interstate and international artists to enrich the artistic and cultural life of Alice Springs through the delivery of high quality contemporary art activities.
To foster an inclusive creative community of artists who share skills and experiences with each other by accessing the onsite gallery and studio space.
To offer professional development opportunities for artists including artistic/cultural collaborations and skills development.
To nurture the full breadth of contemporary art activities including multi-disciplinary art forms, new media and installation work.
Note: All programming decisions are made by the WTS Curatorial Committee. The committee is made up of three to five Alice Springs based artists and arts workers.